13 November 2018 – 23 February 2019
Museum of Classical Archaeology, Cambridge
This exhibition was curated by Anja Slawisch and Toby C. Wilkinson, as part of a project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement no. 700769. The organizers gratefully acknowledge the help, advice and assistance of: Renate Schiele, Ayşe Seeher, Banu Dogan, Yannis Galanakis, Ulrich Mania, Berna Polat, Cemre Üstünkaya, staff at the Milet Archaeological Museum in Balat and the Museum of Classical Archaeology in Cambridge.
The Photographic Archives of the German Archaeological (DAI) in Istanbul kindly provided permission for the reproduction of images from their collections.

Bean and the Milesian Peninsula
An archive of Bean’s letters and photographs are today held by the Museum of Classical Archaeology in Cambridge. There are only a few photographs in the archive from the Milesian peninsula. The concentration of German archaeological expeditions in the area perhaps made it a less attractive area for study.
For more information on the Bean archive see: here
The setting of the exhibtion in the Cast Gallery
Photographs taken by the staff of the Museum of Classical Archaeology, Cambridge